Cutting Edge Curriculum

Complete these digital courses to earn your Certificate in Carbon Farming Principles

Understand what the fast-growing carbon market means for ag

To earn your Certificate in Carbon Farming Principles, complete our 3 online course bundles: Learn the Landscape, Dig Into Practices, and Grow with Carbon by Indigo. You'll earn 2 free CCA CEUs, and receive an authenticated credential you can share with your network and on your LinkedIn profile.


  • Who is this certificate for?

    These courses are well-suited for ag professionals interested in building their foundational knowledge about carbon credits in farming, particularly in row crop operations. No experience with soil health is required to get started. Agronomists, farm managers, crop consultants, ag retailers, and others who support farm decision-making can rely on this educational series to raise the bar on the guidance they give to growers on carbon farming.

  • Can I start anytime? How long will it take?

    Yes, you can start anytime, as these are 100% online, self-paced courses composed of video lessons and interactive tool modules. The average student completes all course bundles required for the Certificate in Carbon Farming Principles in 2.5-3 hours total.

  • How will I be evaluated? Is there an exam?

    There are short, multiple-choice quizzes to check comprehension following each of the 10-to-15 min video lessons interspersed throughout the series. An average passing grade of 70% or more is required for certificate completion, though you may retake the quizzes if needed.

  • I've completed all the coursework! How do I get my certificate?

    Check your email. When you have completed 100% of all 3 bundles (Learn the Landscape, Dig into Practices, & Grow with Carbon by Indigo), you will receive an automated email from Accredible, our credentials management partner. If you don't see it in your inbox (or your spam folder), you can reach out to Indigo via the chat feature here on Carbon College to resend the credential.

  • What can I do with my Certificate of Carbon Farming Principles?

    Let your community know! When you receive your email from Accredible with your authenticated certificate, you can click the links to share it on LinkedIn as a post, or have it appear on your LinkedIn profile under "Licenses & certifications."